Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chaos at Casa Clayton

Today Leo locked Stuart out of the house :) - Stuart went out to bring the car into the drive and Leo pushed the door shut behind him! Cue emergency telephone calls to me and my mum who were out shopping in Huddersfield and mad rush to come home to let Stuart back in and assess any damage Leo might have done in the half hour he'd had the run of the house!
Guess what - when we finally got back in the house was fine! Leo had nibbled the end of a wooden stick in the air freshener but that was it! I'm much better at training dogs than husbands obviously!

Anyway, since my shopping trip with mum got cut short, Leo STILL doesn't have a proper bed of his own. He's currently sleeping between the bottom of our bed, a cushion saved from the old sofa and a Spice Girls cushion left over from when my dad worked at John Cottons! No prizes for guessing which he prefers...

I'm reluctant to buy a proper expensive posh dog bed just yet - Leo as I've mentioned before is a tad "nibbly" and he susses new things out with his mouth first! So we will be bobbing out to pick up a cheapie duvet tomorrow. He tends to sleep with his dodgy leg stretched out so I don't want to be curling him up into a basket type thing yet anyway.

This afternoon we took a little stroll into the park again and got caught in a hideous rain storm. Leo got admired by everyone, except a little old westie boy who wasn't impressed by Leo's boundless energy!
Saw a dragonfly laying eggs - I reckon Leo wanted to eat it. Lucky for Mrs Dragonfly he was on his lead...

Other highlights of today were:
  • Leo waking up with hiccups! I had no idea that dogs got them too! It was quite the cutest thing you've ever seen.
  • Leo being as fascinated with vacuum cleaners on TV as he is in real life.
  • Leo walking past two cats, but being determined to catch a crow!
  • Leo being disappointed and heartbroken that the squeaker from his squeaky toy doesn't squeak anymore.
He is currently fast asleep on the sofa next to me - though any minute now I expect he'll be hurtling round the living room. We've noticed this strange little burst of energy before bedtime. It's crazy but once you know it's coming it's ok lol!!

More soon :)

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