Saturday, October 27, 2012

So much news! So little time!

Whooops! I've been a bit slack on the old blogging front lately! Sorry about that. So much has been happening (not all Leo related) from the living room fire breaking to trying to sell a Smart Car! I don't seem to have had two minutes to myself! Things are back on track now - Smart Car just literally driven away by it's new owner and gas fire being fitted on Friday - Phew!!

Leo has been a bit of a mixed bag since we last spoke. Ups and downs doesn't cover it!

First the bad news. Leo has taken to weeing in the bedroom when left alone. Something we're working on, though the shop next door has been having renovations done this last couple of weeks so not coming down too hard on the lad. At the moment we're assuming that he's getting spooked by something. I'm seriously considering getting a camera set up to spy on him when I go out.... I'll have to keep you updated on progress on this one as we go. Hoping we can nip it in the bud. I read many blogs and forums about dogs, puppies and rescues and I am thanking my lucky stars that it's just the wet stuff - I read some real horror stories about much, much worse! Taking on a rescue dog isn't necessarily all fun and games, but I can vouch for the fact that you get out what you put in!

As we said on our last post, we have been concentrating on recall. And boy has it paid off!
I still wouldn't feel comfortable letting Leo run loose with unknown dogs around but with dogs I know are lovely (or even better at the moment, no other dogs around at all) he's getting on brilliantly!

Here he is with his new friends in Beaumont Park. Little Boo, the poodle cross at the bottom the pic flirts like crazy with boys so they'll chase her lol!

We haven't been off lead all the time though! SInce our last post we've been on a few day trips out - with lead on!! I don't think I'm ready to let Leo off the lead in he deep dark woods just yet.

Leo has learned to love water - as soon as he realised there was ducks in there it was a challenge getting him out! 

I haven't really got time to blog more today but I will try upload more during the week. I just didn't want you to think we'd fogotten you!