Sunday, September 30, 2012

Leo the learner!

This week we have been concentrating 100% on recall work. Leo's new 8 metre lead arrived - I honestly think it has helped - that extra 3 metres gives him plenty more room to stretch his legs a bit more and means we've had the chance to try calling him from further away whilst still keeping him safe. He's doing brilliantly - just got to work on him coming back when there are other dogs around. He's far too interested in them - in a nice way!

I let him off lead for a few minutes up on the meadows yesterday morning seeing as there were no other dogs for miles and no cars etc. (Plus he'd already scared all the crows off when we arrived) . He was marvellous - he barely left my side. So much for letting him off to run about and let off all his energy while I just stand there!! He got about 5 metres away from me ONCE and came back perfectly. We will try again another day. The wind has got up a it since we tried. Wind spooks him a bit. Not that he's out and out scared, just gets him giddy.

Not a real stone circle - one made by the quarry up the road lol
This week I've also used my new PROPER walking boots - superb investment! We've been off the beaten track alot this week and Leo loves it. We've found lots of little paths that all lead back to the woods or park and it's great. In this hideous weather I think they should be the top of every new dog owners shopping list. Forget bones and toys - boots are best thing you can buy yourself if you love your dog!
One thing that I did find strange was walking along the main road. On a previous walk down there I'd assumed that Leo was a little skittish because of the traffic. With his history with cars I thought maybe the sound of some of them was scaring him. However, this week we went along the same road and the only bit he was scared on was where there was ivy ad other plants hanging over a wall over his head. His fur was standing up and everything - it took me some time to convince him to walk under them. A bit odd. I will continue to monitor...
Leo must be settling in properly now - he's started letting me do silly things to him:
And he loves having his teeth brushed! He's also taken to being dried off with a towel when we go out in the rain. Which in Britain is no bad thing. Getting caught in rain here happens alot... sigh...
I bought Leo a bone which he absolutely adored. He's never shown any food issues until that, but as you can see, he was not keen on me stealing this off him:
We then had a SCARY moment on Saturday night (typical of our dogs to do weird stuff at really inconvenient times....) He dropped what was left of his bone behind the sofa. It must have got caught in the dust (Sorry Leo - mummy is better at cuddling than cleaning) and he inhaled a nose full. He starting dong this retching/sneezing/coughing. I felt so scared I couldn't even finish my meal. Because he'd been eating a bone earlier in the day we were convinced he'd got something stuck in his throat. We prised his jaws apart to try see but could see nothing.
He settled down after a few minutes and I did the one thing you should never do when someone's ill - started googling symptoms!
I found lots on something called a "reverse sneeze" - and after watching a few clips on youtube I was fairly confident that this was what Leo was suffering - probably as a result of breathing in a mouthful of sofa dust. I found an article from a vet who said that if a dog had something stuck in his throat he'd be really uncomfortable.
Leo was by now sound asleep so I was a little easier with the situation. On Sunday morning he was fine and we've had a couple of lovely walks.
He met a nice little greyhound lurcher girl up on the meadow who was, according to her owners "a bit timid". She did let hubby stroke her and Leo must have sensed that she was a bit wary because he didn't throw himself at her like he normally does. Lovely girl. I think we need another dog like that because calm dogs do seem to have a calming influence over Leo. He is quite good at sensing the boundaries. He manages to be giddy with giddy dogs but knows when to step it down a gear for ones who are a little wary of him. If anyone has any hints on how to get the worlds most friendly dog to just walk past another dog without bowing down to play with them PLEASE let me know. 20 minute walks take an hour because we have to stop to bow to every dog we see. It's impossible! As much as I love having a dog that is friendly with other dogs, it would be nice to be able to just let him know when it's appropriate and when it's not. Any advice appreciated...
We did set off driving to North Yorkshire in the new car to let Leo stretch his legs up on the country lanes up there. We got as far as Grassington and the rain was POURING so we stopped for a toilet break and came home lol! This was Leo's first time in the new car and he was on the back seat with a waterproof "hammock". As usual he was fine (I don't know why I worry about this boy really) and settled down really quickly. Although I think the cover was a bit slippery and he moved a foot every time we went round a roundabout. Next investment will be a fleecy one I think... so the poor lad doesn't wake up on the other side of the car that he fell asleep on!!
We haven't tried the 40 foot long lead this week - the rain and wind has kept getting up and I don't want to spook him again while he's doing so well. We will return to it though!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The whirlwind that is Leo

The lovely Leo is certainly finding his feet - quite literally! They are often a source of amusement to him - I'm not sure he realises that he's actually the one controlling them sometimes!
We've decided that we are only going to blog once a week from now on - unless something magical happens. Basically we are having too much fun to log on any more often! Either that or I'm busy tidying up after him...

Since our last update we've been making lots of progress - though at times it has seemed like one step forwards and two steps back. I am now sporting some cracking bruises on my knee and wrist thanks to Leo getting a bit spooked on the field with the long lead. We bought a long lead to try and improve his recall. We took him out one day and he was absolutely fine. The next day - mayhem! Snapping at the lead - and me - though I think I was in the way a bit :( Not fun!!
For now the long lead has gone up on a high shelf out of sight until the wind drops a little, I've ordered a new 8m flexilead so we can practice a little more from further. Leo is getting really good at recall now though - today and yesterday he responded even with distractions from other dogs, horses, sheep etc. I am really pleased with him! Not confident that he'd do it from a distance yet but everyone has to start somewhere. He does seem keen to keep me in view all the time though which is great. If he goes through a stile before me he does wait very nicely until he can see me again before setting off again. Won't be long now!
Leo literally LOVES the world. The only thing I've seen him snarl at (apart from the long lead) is an advertising hoarding at Carcraft.... no idea why but he was not keen!
In fact it's a runnig joke now that these one hour walks could actually fit into twenty minutes if we didn't have to stop to say hello and play with everyone and every thing we meet.
He can spot another dog from a mile off. Rather than walking up to it nicely he stops dead, watches, then bows just like this until they come over and say hello. THEN he pounces as if that's the signal for playtime to commence!
He has met some lovely doggies who will happily let him jump all over them bless him! In particular he has met a lovely 13 month old rough Jack Russell girl called Ruby a couple of times. It's hilarious watching them take it in turns to pin each other down! Ruby's daddy always has a pocketful of treats too which means he seems to get caught up in the mayhem a bit too :)
We were going to go to a fun dog show yesterday afternoon but Leo was like a transformed dog in the morning so I didn't want to ruin that by surrounding him by barking pups! He walked beside us, waited at the kerb nicely, crossed roads quickly, came to his name from the full stretch of the lead every time... the thought of him turning into a woofing bouncy hound for the afternoon was too much to bear for me so we gave the show a miss. Maybe next year we'll be more ready for the shows.
This dog is literally taking over our lives. In a good way. We're in the process of swapping the car for one that will more easily accomodate him - whilst he fits snugly in the Smart Car and settles down nicely, we're always a bit worried that he is sat right over the engine in it and that we can't fit much more in there when he's in too! In time for our next holiday we will have much more room to pack more treats and toys for him :) oh and maybe some luggage fo us too!
We have discovered a HUGE network of of footpaths, fields and woods that we never knew existed - right on our doorstep. Leo loves them (no surprise there!) and they're fairly easy on us oldies too. I've invested in some proper sturdy walking boots in anticipation of a soggy Autumn - sad but true I'm no longer the sort of girl that has wardrobes full of short skirts and high heels - these days it's waterproof trousers and chunky boots. Ahh still, happy days!
This morning there was a major panic - we couldn't find Leo's Kong!! I looked high and low! Everntually it turned up, under our bed! Along with a small collection of socks that Leo had obviously decided to save for later....
He does still have a bit of a foot fetish. My furry boots are the most desirable thing on the planet and Hubby's trainers are the tastiest... putting socks on in front of Leo is impossible. I wish I could read his mind and know why they are so appealing to him!
Leo simply has to carry something home after his walks. It doesn't really matter what, but preferably a bottle of some description. This week we've brought home an empty milkshake bottle, an empty water bottle, a paper cup, a coke can and an empty Dairy Milk wrapper. Oh and his long lead as you can see in a previous picture. Fortunately we live near a school so there's generally lots of litter for him to choose from thanks to all the horrid children! He doesn't seem to want to chew them or even seem that interested in their contents - he just wants to carry them! Hopefully we may be able to harness that talent in future and maybe I won't have to bother taking a handbag everywhere....

Also this week we have seen a noticeable reduction in Leo's chewiness. He did destroy a charity collection bag that someone popped through the letterbox, but other than that he's mostly been interested in his own things. We have made it a bit easier for him by moving things out of his way - mainly shoes. However, he definitely seems to be getting the hang of what's chewable and what isn't! We've put a mail box up on the fence outside so from today there will be no post for him to chomp on and stocked up on the rawhide bones he's so addicted to. As I write this he's stretched out on his duvet, blissfully licking away at a Kong stuffed with frozen peanut butter.  Definitely makes life a bit less stressful knowing that you can pop out and not have to worry that he's merrily destroying things!
The odd things is he's started taking things upstairs when we're out. The two cushions that Hubby has in his armchair have found their way onto the bed three days running. So has one of my wellington boots... Leo has even managed to take one cushion out of it's loose cover - absolutely no idea how. The cushion and cover remain completely unscathed and there's not a mark on either of them. I'd love to see how he's doing it! Getting it back into the cover is a right task so I have no idea how he's managing to get it out. I may set up a webcam one of these days to see what he gets up to.

This is just one of the beautiful views that I've managed to catch thanks to Leo. Having a dog is the best way of getting to know your local area. It's ok to walk down random footpaths and feel safe and not look like a total loony when you go back the way you came after all!
I was reading the posts of a Facebook friend this week who was sadly having to say goodbye to her boy after 12 and a half years together. It made me sad for Blue and the fact that he never got to experience alot of the beauty that I get to share with Leo up here. I'm glad that we got to spend such fun times in Cornwall with him though. And the mad times we had up to our knees in mud being chased by cows in Gomersal before we moved here! And I'll always remember the look on Blue's face when we saw a zebra in the field the week the circus was in town! At first I was thinking that we never got to have much fun with Blue because of his fear aggression and age. But the more I thought about it the more I started thinking it was just a different kind of fun! Blue much preferred a 4 hour snooze on the sofa to a hike through the woods that's all.
One final thing - I managed to find a special doggy toothbrush and toothpaste for Leo. We thought we'd have a proper go at it last night. Last week I'd had a little go with a sample that the vets gave us when we took him to meet her and one of my old toothbrushes! It sort of worked but it was a bit awkward lol!
Last night we did it properly with a blob of his vanilla toothpaste and his fancy toothbrush. I think it went quite well considering! At first he was a bit wary but I swear by the end he was actually enjoying it. We'll have another go next week ;)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Leo The Limper

Ok, so the title of this post is a bit misleading. Leo has a limp when he fancies it - but let's be honest, he has one leg a fraction shorter than the others! When he walks slow it more manifests itself as a little wiggle in his walk. When he runs you wouldn't know at all! When he is running at that middle speed, he bunny hops!! He is using his damaged leg more and more. This week he's even started standing on his hind legs with his paws on the worktop (not behaviour I'm encouraging,but it's nice to see that he can!!)

Leo's x-rays from before surgery (ouch!!):

Leo's x-rays from after the surgery:

As you can see it was a NASTY break. The pin that you see through his bone in the second image was actually taken out two weeks early too because the wriggly monkey managed to pop it so that it was poking through his skin :(

Looking at Leo and his absolute zest for life makes you realise that you have to grab life with both hands. To think that this little darling was almost put to sleep because of his injury and because no one claimed him is heartbreaking. It makes you realise the work that the Dog's Trust do and why it matters - thank god they stepped in.

Anyway.... on a lighter note. We have had more fun since we got back from Ipswich. Leo is a bit naughtier than before. I think the penny has dropped with him that we are here to stay and he's now trying to establish his position in the heirarchy a bit. He's started woofing (he has a pathetic "wwhhhhuff!" of a bark so I have to try really hard not to snigger when he's trying to be the tough lol!) when I am putting his food in his bowl. If I ignore it long enough he does just lay down and shut up though which is good.

And, speaking of lying down, we have been incorporating a hand signal into his "down" command and tonight he did it from just that! Sitting is still a problem. As you can see, Leo finds it more comfortable to be sitting on something raised:

This weekend we also had a walk around Newmillerdam. We'd aimed to go to the Sculpture park at Bretton but the car park was sooooo expensive that we turned around in a huff!
Leo got to express his hatred for birds:

And also met a new friend or two:
Now that he's a bit firmer on his feet I've ordered him a 50foot lead. Once that comes we can practice recall training on the field behind the Avenue some more. We had a go at it properly in Beaumont Park tonight with just his 5 metre extension lead and a pocketful of treats and I have to admit he did quite well.
Lead work is quite hard because when we brought Leo home he wasn't allowed long walks so I think that's what's making it a little more challenging to introduce him to it - maybe it would be different if we could have done it all from day one. He doesn't do so bad considering.
Other things we have learnt this week:

  • I bought Leo a new toy that I have nicknamed "Bottle-Fox". It's basically a stuffed toy fox, without the stuffing. Where the stuffing would go, there's room to put an empty plastic water bottle. There's a squeaker in it's head and tail. Leo has played with it every day since Saturday (5 days and counting now....) and it's still in tact! I did have to put a couple of stitches in where I ripped the price tag off and tore it (!) but Leo has not damaged it at all. This is new ground. Leo "The Dark Destroyer" normally takes a chunk out of everything. I wonder if Bottle-Fox can last a week.....
  • It is official - Leo can literally get comfy anywhere:
Also, we have learnt to move EVERYTHING when leaving Leo unattended. This week he has shredded two books and suspiciously rearranged some other things. I came home yesterday dinnertime to find my umbrella dragged from the hallway to the living room and the teddy that I keep in the bathroom was in the hallway. Maybe he's been reading up on Feng Shui?!

Still love the boy though! We are working harder than ever now on reinforcing the "rules". Me & hubby have a stash of treats on us constantly at the moment, so we can reward Leo when he does something that we want him to realise is good - even i that's just laying down quietly while we're on the phone or something. Been doing a lot of reading up and positive reinforcement makes more sense than punishing him for things we don't want him to do.
It's a learning curve for all of us but hopefully we're heading in the right direction. Now that we now Leo is healing nicely and his legs are getting stronger (you can actually feel the difference in his legs) we will be starting obedience classes in a couple of weeks. Now THAT should make for an interesting blog post.....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Leo the Legendary :)

Where do we start!?
Since our last post Leo has been a legend, pure and simple!
We spent 3 nights in Ipswich this week, staying at the new Travelodge (yes, some Travelodges take domestic pets for an extra £20 surcharge - bargain!). Obviously we set out on this trip with some trepidation. New family, new house, long car journey and holiday might not be such a great idea for a rescue pup. But we needn't have worried at all. Leo was the perfect hotel guest - much better than whoever was in the room above us who I suspect had brought their pet elephant...)
He settled straight into the swing of things,even telling us he needed outside, which was a major worry for us.
It turns out all the waitresses in Ipswich ADORE Leo! There wasn't a bar, cafe or restaurant that didn't make a fuss of him . Leo loves nothing more than a fuss. We think because he was on crate rest for all those weeks at the Dogs Trust, his volunteer visitors would come into his kennel and play with him in short spells to keep him as active as they could whilst his leg was healing, now he literally expects it of EVERYONE! Which is fortunate because most people seem quite willing to give him a tickle or two.
Leo smiling on the marina

Leo troubled by so many people on wheels. Pushchairs, bikes, skateboards and scooters baffled him for the first day!
We spent an afternoon at Jimmy's Farm which is just outside Ipswich. I can highly recommend this for anyone visiting the area. Absolutely idyllic setting and beautiful animals. Leo lapped it up. He was perfectly well behaved, even when a goat took a bit of a disliking to him. Poor love jumped a mile! Still, I'd rather he learnt through a wire fence that not all animals want to play with him lol!

He wasn't that fussed by the piglets at all, even though they did all run over to us. Great to know he doesn't seem to have much of a hunting drive.

Leo was impeccable when two little girls asked if he was nice, desperate for a stroke of that irresistible sleek fur. Leo just lay down and let them stroke him gently, we even put the lead down, he was so busy being spoilt rotten that he never noticed! The girls gave him a couple of treats for being so good while we chatted to their mum and dad (we find ourselves telling Leo's story quite often because people literally stop is in the street to admire him!) The only problem then was convincing him to stand up again when we were ready to walk on - I think he'd got quite comfy there :)

In fact Leo gets comfy pretty much anywhere as you can tell from this picture taken outside the restaurant at Jimmy's Farm.... believe it or not there was a peacock strutting around the courtyard while this was being taken and Leo couldn't have cared less. He was more than happy to take the weight off his paws whilst we enjoyed a coke with ice!

On the second day we drove up to Felixstowe. Turns out there's miles and miles of beach and dogs are allowed on some of it, so why not! Leo wasn't too convinced by the moving water... we're going to take him to some still water over the weekend as it might not be quite so overwhelming.

Leo decided he'd had enough halfway across the heathland by the Fort and just plonked himself down for a rest. This boy really loves a good lie down no matter how impractical...

The marina at Ipswich is set up a bit like Spain, with rows of cafes and bars on the front. All of which we were welcomed to sit outside. Isaacs On The Quay is the big one, with rows of picnic tables, parasols and patio heaters outside - lush!

Leo's unique sleeping position of either on the table or along the bench didn't put the waitresses and door staff making a fuss of him....quite the opposite in fact...!

Leo & Luigi

Joining in a game of fetch

Leo & Paola's foster girl Java

Leo & Sexy Stanley

On the way home we came via the beautiful Dunwich Heath to pay a flying visit to the lovely Paola and her pack of whippets. I'd recently "met" Paola on Facebook through her "iheartwhippets" page. She makes some lovely whippety based things which she sells to raise funds for Scruples Whippet Rescue. We stayed for a cup of tea (which I ended up wearing most of thanks to being caught in the middle of a whippety game of tag!) and a game. I think Leo was a little overwhelmed at first but he was soon holding his own and joining in the fun. Great to see him springing about like a proper dog. His big brother Blue missed out on so much fun like that because of his fear aggression. I don't want Leo to miss out on a single second of whippety fun!!

Since we got back we've had a "normal" day. We purposely left him at home alone while we did the food shop. If I'm honest I was dreading it - being away from home for 3 nights and with us constantly I was sure he'd rip the place apart. HOWEVER, Leo the Legendary was pretty much flawless. Ok... ok... we found a peg upstairs and the sticks from the air freshener were all over the place in the bedroom but that is pretty good going considering what I was expecting. To prove it wasn't a fluke we went out again a bit later for an hour. Phew, two in a row. To make things even better, next doors dogs appear to have been on a bit of a rampage this afternoon. While they'd been out Max & Roni had dragged leftover lasagne out of the bin all around the house. I overheard their mum on the phone saying "..... and there's cheese in the bed..." I couldn't help but chuckle. Keep it up Leo - you're doing me very proud :)
The worst part of "training" Leo is getting him used to being alone when he needs to - he's so marvellous that I want him with me all the time. In fact it's me that suffers seperation anxiety not him!

Still got a few days of holiday left.... I'm sure we can fit a couple more adventures in yet.... ;)